The Team

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Alsace Wine Tours is run both by native people from Alsace, who know their region very well, a region steeped in history, at the heart of Europe, and by the founders of Azur Wine Tours, in Provence, the East-South of France.
You will be welcomed in Alsace with open arms, by people who love and cherish their region, who like to share and communicate their affection and attraction for Alsace, and who are real fans of the wine and the people who make it!

Meet the Alsace Wine Tours Team

His passion for wine in general, his knowledge of terroirs and techniques, but also his interest in new approaches, particularly Natural Wine, make Jeff a person who loves life and sharing.
Spend a day in his company and you’ll leave with the feeling that, yes, In Vino Veritas !

A delightfully warm and attentive style characterises Jean; above all, he loves to share his tastes and knowledge, in German or English, and his enthusiasm is contagious. You’re sure to have an unforgettable time, and with him you will appreciate Alsace wines as well as the people who make them.

With a fine sense of humour, even piquant at times but always very fair and extremely funny, Francis is happy to share his constant enthusiasm and knowledge with you. He loves life and the good things in life: he will make sure you have a great day.

With a relaxed yet chic personality, a joy of communicating, and above all an enviable level of wine knowledge, Erwan has been evolving in the wine world for years. Thanks to his willingness to share and his kindness, the world of wine will come alive and take shape, with explanations that are always to the point.

The sun does not only shine in the sky but also in her eyes! With her relaxed, friendly and cheerful personality, Clémentine has been evolving in the world of wine for the last ten years. With her kindness and desire to share, the wines will come alive for you thanks to her nice and relevant words!