Legal Information
Legal Information

Publication manager : Erwan Chichery
SAS au capital de €
postal adress :
17 rue de Quimper
Tél : 06 12 12 42 12
email : contact[arobase]
n°siren :
Immatriculation Atout France :
insurance :
Financial guarantee :
– Website development : Generlab sarl, web Agency
website :
– CMS : SPIP Système de Publication pour un Internet Partagé
website :
– Hosting : OVH
website :
postal adress : 2 rue Kellermann, BP80157 - 59100 ROUBAIX
– Photo credits : Alsace Wine Tours, Marc Guénard
– Statistics
The site is linked to Matomo analytics, RGPD-compliant (anonymization of site access data) installed on’s OVH hosting.
The SPIP CMS manages the Internet user’s digital identity for the purposes of the services present on the site (booking) using truncated then masked IPs, in compliance with the RGPD (General Regulation for the Protection of Personal Data) in force on May 25, 2018 throughout Europe.
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– Collection of personal data
The collection of personal data on the site is the result of voluntary communication by the Internet user in order to benefit from a service offered on the site. The personal data collected (NAME, FIRST NAME, EMAIL, TELEPHONE NUMBER, NATURE AND DATE OF BOOKING, DATE OF TOUR, AMOUNT OF BOOKING, PAYMENT STATUS, DEPARTURE ADDRESS, RETURN ADDRESS) is used to identify the web user when making bookings, returning online payments, sending automatic notifications and messages relating to the booking and/or the service booked, the address where the user can be picked up and brought back; they are not kept beyond a period allowing to carry out any operation at the request of one or the other of the parties (Alsace Wine Tours, the person who has booked, who has benefited from the service, the intermediary between Alsace Wine Tours and the bank, the bank, the booking partners) such as total or partial refund, attribution of credits, gift voucher, promotion, discount, satisfaction survey, proof, litigation.
The deletion of personal data will be the subject of a message sent to the holder, before deletion.
Under no circumstances will this data be communicated to a third party for commercial purposes or any other purpose that would not be justified by a higher authority and/or for which the holder would not have been informed and/or would not have given his consent.
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– Droit d’accès et de suppression des données personnelles
Conformément à l’article 34 de la loi "Informatique et Libertés" n°78-17 du 6 janvier 1978, vous disposez d’un droit d’accès, de rectification, de modification et de suppression concernant vos données personnelles. Il est donc possible, sur simple demande :
d’exiger la radiation de votre adresse de courrier électronique et des informations que vous avez transmises lors d’une demande.
Vous pouvez exercer ce droit auprès de Monsieur Erwan Chichery contact[arobase] ou par courrier à
Alsace Wine Tours
Address : 17 rue de Quimper
67200 MULHOUSE - Tél : 06 12 12 42 12
– Copyright
The whole of this site is subject to French and international copyright and intellectual property legislation, which stipulates that graphic creations, plans, animations, photos or video clips or sound design, texts, are protected simply by virtue of their creation and originality.
Any unauthorized use or extraction of elements from the site is illegal and punishable by law as counterfeiting.
– Authorized uses of the texts presented on this site :
Any use of the texts on the site, in particular republication on other Internet or intranet sites, requires the agreement of the publication manager.
Any use, even on a private basis, of all or a substantial part of the site requires the agreement of the publication director in accordance with the provisions.
Any infringement of copyright or database law is punishable by criminal penalties for counterfeiting, without prejudice to any claims for damages from the copyright holders.
– Establishing links :
ALSACE WINE TOURS authorizes the creation of a hypertext link for all websites, excluding those containing information of a controversial, pornographic or xenophobic nature, or which may, to a greater extent, offend the sensibilities of the general public.
The link must lead to the site’s homepage, and the site must appear in a new window. The website’s pages must not be integrated into the pages of another website.
Requests to establish a hypertext link from a site to must be made by e-mail to contact[arobase] ALSACE WINE TOURS reserves the right to request the removal of a link if it considers that the referring site does not comply with the rules thus defined.
– Links to third-party websites
ALSACE WINE TOURS reserves the right to link to third-party websites. If you access these links, you will leave the website. These websites are not under the control of ALSACE WINE TOURS, and ALSACE WINE TOURS is therefore not responsible for the content of these websites, the links they contain, or any changes or updates they may undergo.
– Internet transmission hazards
ALSACE WINE TOURS cannot be held responsible for faulty data transmission due to the Internet or incompatibilities caused by the user’s browser.
– Technical recommendations
The website is designed to be “webdesign responsive”. Navigation is intended to be pleasant and ergonomic, using current browsers installed on hardware as diverse as small and large screens on desktops, laptops, mobiles (smartphones, cell phones) and tablets.
If you have any comments on the navigation, please send them to webmaster91[at]
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